(352) 358-1768 [email protected]


God's Faithfulness in Service - May 2024

Praise the Lord for answering our prayers for more furniture! Storage was low a few weeks ago, but he came through with enough to meet our immediate needs. We can always use more furniture, though (especially beds), so please continue giving!

Our volunteer pool has been expanding, which is another huge praise. This has allowed us to increase the rate at which we do projects, and allowed us to do more difficult installations (like bathroom grab bars).

Thanks to Richard, Roy and UF ROTC for helping an elderly neighbor with yard care (pictured below).

See the full newsletter here for additional neighbor stories and an update from our director.

Adopt-a-Ramp - Spring Newsletter 2024
In this newsletter we introduce the Adopt-a-Ramp program, as well as giving a glimpse at some of the projects we’ve been working on lately. See below for a sample!

We continue to need additional recurring donors, to help stabilize our finances. If you’re interested in helping out, please see our donate page.

You can find the full newsletter here.

Annual Report 2023

See here our summary of all the work we have done for our neighbors in 2023!

President of the Board Robert Goddard writes this years annual letter to encourage us as a community to continue following the Lord’s command to care for our neighbors in need.

See the different ways that we help people in the name of the Lord, and our needs for the next year as we continue to seek to serve our neighbors in love with the support and partnership of the local church.

Read the Annual Report here.


Merry Christmas - Winter Newsletter 2023

Our winter newsletter focuses on showcasing our last couple months of work and service for our neighbors in Christ’s name: freshly raked yards, beds for children without any, and secure walkways for those who are disabled. Thank you so much for your generosity that enables this work!

Below is a picture of the Powell’s One Another Group from Creekside Community Church raking leaves for an elderly neighbor with cancer. They collected 31 bags of leaves! Great job kids!

Read more from the full newsletter here.

A Season of Giving - Giving Tuesday 2023

For our year-end ask, we’re looking for your help to make up a $13,000 funding shortfall for 2023. The linked letter includes a message from Director Lynch describing our need.

We’re very grateful to have received a grant this fall from the Satch Cares program at Satchel’s Pizza, which allowed our volunteers to construct this ramp for one of our neighbors in need. Thanks Satchel’s!



A Firm Foundation - Fall Newsletter 2023

This Quarterly Update shows off some of the amazing projects our volunteers have been working on (with lots of pics!). Also includes a short letter from our director, Michael Lynch.


Ramping Up - Summer Newsletter 2023

Our Quarterly Update comes from the new Director, Michael Lynch! Michael is introduced by the Board President Rob Goddard, and talks about the call to care for the most needy around us. Included are some examples of our work, our current needs for volunteers and increased support to continue on, and a big thank you to everyone who has been involved over the years and decades.


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